Project:SPARQL/examples: Difference between revisions

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==Documents published in 2020==
<SPARQL tryit="1">
PREFIX wb: <>
PREFIX wbt: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?year
?item wbt:P5/wbt:P4* wb:Q21.
?item wbt:P18 ?published.
BIND(str(YEAR(?published)) AS ?year)
FILTER (?year = "2020")
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv,en". }
==People and how many documents they have authored==
==People and how many documents they have authored==
<SPARQL tryit="1">
<SPARQL tryit="1">
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ORDER BY DESC (?count)
ORDER BY DESC (?count)
==Video recordings of events of Wikimedia Sverige==
==Video recordings of events of Wikimedia Sverige==

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