Modelling/Events and activities

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Required Property Example value Notes
IF EXISTS same as on Wikidata (P1) Q123
REQUIRED instance of (P5) (describing the type of event) workshop (Q37) Should be a subclass of event (Q40)
REQUIRED instance of (P5) (describing how the event is held) ITEM NEEDED Should be one of In-person/Hybrid/Online (ITEMS SHOULD BE CREATED)
REQUIRED point in time (P23) Example Example
REQUIRED organizer (P14) .. ...
video (P31) Wikimedia Sveriges årsmöte 2022.webm Example
REQUIRED if no P1 location (P27) Norrsken House (Q67) Example
Example Example Example
described at Wikimedia-page (P11) Example Example
Event outcomes
number of participants (P28) 13
Wikimedia platform(s) affected (P13) Swedish Wikipedia (Q26)
Example Example Example