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We only create items about human (Q23) when these are needed to describe authorship/speaker/event or project responsibility. And only when this information is already publicly available, any affiliation would also need to have been publicly communicated. Since the main affiliation might not always apply, it can be superseded by a qualifier on an item-by-item basis.

ONLY the following properties are ever allowed on a human. This is to minimize the personal data that is stored.


Required Property Example value Notes
REQUIRED instance of (P5) human (Q23)
IF EXISTS same as on Wikidata (P1) Q68773375
ONLY if no same as on Wikidata (P1) affiliation (P34) Wikimedia Sverige (Q9) Should be the main affiliation of the person. Can be overridden on a case-by-case basis with a qualifier if needed. Can also have start time (P6), end time (P7) qualifiers if later affiliations are relevant for the linked data.


Query to find all humans

PREFIX wb: <>
PREFIX wbt: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabelEN ?itemLabelSV ?wikidata_iri
?item wbt:P5 wb:Q23 .
OPTIONAL {?item wbt:P1 ?wikidataQ}
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelEN filter (lang(?itemLabelEN) = "en")}.
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelSV filter (lang(?itemLabelSV) = "sv")}.
BIND(URI(concat("", ?wikidataQ)) AS ?wikidata_iri)
ORDER BY ?itemLabelEN

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Query to count all humans

PREFIX wb: <>
PREFIX wbt: <>

SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count_index_terms)
?item wbt:P5 wb:Q23 .

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