Project:SPARQL/examples: Difference between revisions

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= Overview queries =
== All index terms and their Wikidata equivalents ==
<SPARQL tryit="1">
PREFIX wb: <>
PREFIX wbt: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabelEN ?itemLabelSV ?wikidata_iri
?item wbt:P5 wb:Q12 .
OPTIONAL {?item wbt:P1 ?wikidataQ}
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelEN filter (lang(?itemLabelEN) = "en")}.
OPTIONAL {?item rdfs:label ?itemLabelSV filter (lang(?itemLabelSV) = "sv")}.
BIND(URI(concat("", ?wikidataQ)) AS ?wikidata_iri)
= Federated queries =
= Federated queries =
== Organizations and their social media and official website (from Wikidata)==
== Organizations and their social media and official website (from Wikidata)==