User:Alicia Fagerving (WMSE)/Sandbox

  • GLAM (Q19) GLAM
  • authority control (Q17) Auktoritetsdata
  • Länkade data
  • Öppna data
  • LGBT (Q21909) HBTQI
  • copyright (Q22117) Upphovsrätt
  • Artificiell intelligens
  • Jämställdhet
  • Gender gap
  • arkeologi
  • musikhistoria
  • art history (Q22116) konsthistoria
  • läromedel
  • open source (Q22118) öppen källkod
  • Fria licenser
  • karta
  • digitalisering
  • Bibliotek
  • skolbibliotek
  • arkiv
  • skola
  • äldre
  • utbildning
  • natur
  • hotat kulturarv
  • hållbarhet
  • Klimat
  • lokalhistoria
  • hembygdsrörelsen
  • översättning
  • EU
  • FN
  • OECD
  • openAccess
  • Kulturarv
  • Fornminnen
  • Skrivstuga
  • Fototävling
  • Uppladdning
  • Översättning
  • API
  • Metadatastädning
  • Fotografering
  • Skrivtävling
  • Presentationer
  • Föreläsningar
  • Inspiration
  • Konsultarbete
  • Gemenskapsstöd
  • Ackreditering
  • Teknikpool
  • Referenslitteratur
  • Kameralån
  • Wikifika
  • Länsstyrelser
  • Runstenar
  • Kyrkliga kulturminnen
  • Flygfoto
  • Photowalk
  • Forskning
  • Bildningsförbund
  • Insamling
  • HR
  • Testamentering
  • F2F
  • Digital marketing
  • Fundraising
  • Fiscal sponsorship
  • Konst
  • Folkhögskolor
  • Univeritet
  • Uppsatser/case studies
  • Panoramafrihet
  • Religionshistoria
  • Lokal- och regionalhistoria


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3,269 pages

Metabase is a platform (a Wikibase instance in Wikibase Cloud) managed by Wikimedia Sverige whose goal is to collect information about the activities and documents of the Wikimedia movement as Linked Open Data.

The first stage of its development, which is currently ongoing as of 2023, is to focus on the content produced by Wikimedia Sverige, such as data about its reports, events, projects etc. This data is currently stored on the chapter's wiki in text form. By making the data structured, we hope to be able to get a better overview of what the chapter has done over the years.

In later stages, once the ingestion of WMSE's data is done, we hope we can build further on this foundation to invite other Wikimedia chapters, user groups and interest groups, to join in and contribute with their data.

Get started by learning about what sort of data is included and how it is modeled.